竹筏模型 / Model of Bamboo Raft
竹筏帆船模型照片 / Models of Catamaran Bamboo Rafts
竹筏模型 / Models of Bamboo Rafts
竹筏模型二組 / Catamaran Model Boats (2) and Sails (2)
細頸鏤孔籐編籃 / Carrying Basket, Openwork
儀式用瓢壺附貝片 / Holy Gourd and Shell Disc
帆船模型 / Model of a Catamaran Bamboo Raft
木雕彩繪土地公像 / Wood Carving Earth God
白瓷彩繪送子觀音像 / Porcelain Figure of Child-giving Goddess of Mercy (Kuan-Yin)
竹筏模型 / Model of Raft