頭飾 / Ornament
臂環 / Armband
貝片耳插 / Ear Plug Made of Shell
貝珠足脛飾 / Shell Beaded Necklace
薏米珠串項鍊 / Necklace of Seeds of Job
鈕扣玻璃珠串頸飾 / Neck Ornament of Glass Beads and Buttons
繭形貝片耳飾 / Ear Ornaments of Cocoon Shaped Shell Pendants
貝片項鍊 / Necklace With Shell Pendants
鋁片手鐲 / Bracelets
鈕扣玻璃珠串項鍊 / Necklace of Glass Beads and Buttons