山羌角火藥筒 / Priming Powder Flask Made of Muntjac Antler
梯形貝片耳飾 / Shell Disc Ear Pendants
黃銅線圈手環 / Brass Wire Bangle
虎頭蜂頭串項鍊 / Stringed Hornet Bee Head Necklace
山羌角火藥筒項鍊 / Glass Beaded Necklace with Horn Gun-Powder Container as Decorative Pendant
織花肩帶飾 / Woven Belt
雕花木槲草嵌飾耳管 / Bamboo Ear Stick with Grass Ornament
梯形貝板耳飾 / Ear Pendants Made of Shell
圓形貝板耳插 / Ear Plug Made of Shell
薏米珠項鍊 / Necklace