無袖織花長衣 / Sleeveless Upper Long Garment
男子無袖繡花短衣 / Man’s Waistcoat with Embroidery
男子銀片繡花短腰裙 / Man’s Loin Cloth with Embroidery and Silver
狗毛織花長衣 / Sleeveless Long Garment Made of Dog-haired Woven Cloth
橫條紋織花披肩 / Woven Cape with Striped Patterns
無袖織花流蘇短衣 / Sleevless Upper Garment Made of Woven Textile
有袖織花長衣 / Man’s Upper Long Garment Made of Woven Textile
麻毛織花披風 / Cape Made of Woven Textile with Pattern of Stripes
紅白織花有袖長衣 / Upper Long Garment
紅藍織花有袖長衣 / Upper Long Garment Made of Woven Textiles